Guidelines for Lent

Feb 10, 2016 | Catholic Faith

Guidelines for Lent

Feb 10, 2016 | Catholic Faith

Are You Ready for Lent?
Here are some fasting and abstinence guidelines during the Lenten Season:

Catholics of age 14 and older abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all the Fridays of Lent.

In addition, on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, Catholics from age 18 to 59 fast and limit themselves to one full meal and two smaller meals each day.
Those outside the Age Limits and/or those whose state in life (pregnant women, laborers, those who are ill…) may be excused from the requirements of fasting and abstinence but are encouraged to perform some other form of penance or act of charity.


During this Lent, the sacrament of reconciliation will be offered every Friday at 6:00pm
Pamphlets with the examination of conscience and other information will be available in the vestibule of the church or in the Parish Office.
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