Annual Renewal of Stewardship of Treasure

Stewardship is part of our call to be disciples of Jesus Christ. The disciple is motivated by faith and a deep sense of gratitude, flowing from their faith, to a greater sharing of time, talent and treasure with the Church and other worthy causes.

Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Luke 12:34).

We are committed to using your stewardship gifts wisely for the building of God’s Kingdom here on earth. We appreciate and acknowledge the trust that you put in us to be good financial stewards of your tithing. Your continued commitment to our parish is a gift that truly supports the mission of Christ.

Supporting Our Parish Family

This chart provides a guideline for deciding the portion of your giving based on your household income. Each year, we ask you to re-evaluate your financial giving. Does it express your thanksgiving to God and this Eucharistic community?


You can now securely set up your tithing to Star of the Sea online!

Here’s How: 

  • Visit
  • Select the frequency of your gift
  • Enter the starting and ending dates you wish to give.
  • Make sure the “2025 Stewardship” Fund is selected. 

Donations By Check

Check donations can be mailed to or dropped off at the Parish Office:

Our Lady Star of the Sea Church
511 Veneta Ave.
Bremerton, WA 98337

In the name of the many who are touched by the ministries of Our Lady Star of the Sea, thank you!