
Your Gift Makes it Possible For Us:

• To celebrate the Church’s liturgy with beauty and dignity;
• To reach out with love to the poor, the needy, and the elderly;
• To offer faith formation programs to children and adults;
• To pay our staff a just and living wage;
• To sustain our highly acclaimed musical and cultural programs;
• To maintain our Church and other parish buildings.

Giving Options

Choose a Specific Fund

You may designate your gift to support one ministry in particular, or simply apply it to the area of greater need.

Give a One-Time Gift

Whether you are just visiting or don’t have an account, you can make a one-time gift online by clicking the button below:

With Cash

Cash or check donations can be placed in the offering basket during the Sunday Masses. For OLSOS envelopes, please contact the parish office:

(360) 379-3777 |

By Check

Check donations can be mailed to or dropped off at the Parish Office:

Our Lady Star of the Sea Church
511 Veneta Ave
Bremerton, WA 98337

Give Online

Set Up Secure Giving Online

You can now securely set up your tithing to Star of the Sea online with your credit/debit card or by direct deposit. To set up a one time or recurring gift, simply click the “Online Giving” button below to get started.

Popular Funds

Make a one-time Donation

Give a one-time donation to Star of the Sea Parish through InFellowship’s secure online giving system.


Donate to our School 

You can help us keep tuition affordable for Catholic families at Our Lady Star of the Sea School through the School Annual Fund. 


Renew Stewardship pledge

Support your parish family with your pledge to the annual renewal of Stewardship of Treasure.


Thank You!

In the name of the many who are touched by the ministries of Our Lady Star of the Sea, thank you!

511 Veneta Ave, Bremerton, WA 98337

Call Us: (360) 479-3777

Email Us: