Monthly Mass Intentions

Any Catholic may offer up the Mass in which he or she participates for any good intention. Certainly, graces will accrue in accordance with the intensity of that person’s participation and sincerity. This is a genuine exercise of the royal or common priesthood of the faithful.

The custom of requesting a priest to offer the Mass for a specific intention, even when one cannot be physically present at the Mass, is a longstanding tradition in the Church because the Church considers the Mass as the greatest possible prayer of intercession insofar as it is the perfect offering of Christ to the Father by making present the paschal mystery of his death and resurrection.

Because of the particular role of the priest as mediator between God and man, acting “in persona Christi” when offering the holy sacrifice of the Mass, it is usually considered that special graces may be obtained when he applies the Mass to a particular intention. (ROME, 22 FEB. 2005 [ZENIT]).

To schedule a Mass intention, please call or come into the parish office. Because of the number of requests, Mass intentions are usually scheduled six months in advance.

Holy Father's Prayer Intentions For the Month of September 2024

For the cry of the Earth
We pray that each one of us will hear and take to heart the cry of the Earth and of victims of natural disasters and climactic change, and that all will undertake to personally care for the world in which we live.