What does my child need to do in order to receive First Communion?
  • Family must be registered in the parish
  • Child must be baptized and familiar with weekly participation at Mass.
  • Each child must be enrolled in and attending ongoing formation.

    This includes an approved homeschool, Catholic school and/or consistant attendance at our Wednesday night Faith Works program. Sacramental preparation is a 2-year process in our diocese.

    The Archdiocesan Policy states “Proximate catechesis begins in the first grade or the year prior to the celebration of First Communion.” FC 7.a. Please refer to the Seattle Archdiocese Website for more information about this policy.

  • Each child (with a parent) must attend all immediate formation sessions (dates will be given upon registration).
  • Each child must have reached the age of reason (7 years old).
  • Each child must have received the Sacrament of Reconciliation prior to receiving their First Communion.
  • A physical or digital copy of the child’s baptismal certificate needs to be turned in to the parish office.
When is First Communion?

Typically, the reception of First Communion takes place the first weekend of May at the 9:00am and 11:00 am Sunday morning Masses. (You may choose the Mass that works best for your family.)

What can my child wear?
  • Boys should wear a suit or dress pants and sport coat. White dress shirt is encouraged. Tie and dress shoes are required. Please do not give your child anything to carry during Mass (Bible, prayer book, rosary) they will need their hands free.*
  • Girls should wear a modest, all-white dress with white dress shoes. No bare shoulders. They may wear white fold-down dress socks or white/tan hose. First Communion veils are encouraged. Please do not give your child anything to carry during Mass (Bible, prayer book, rosary), they will need their hands free.*

If assistance is needed to attain any of the required items, the parish office may be able to offer help in borrowing or acquiring such items.

*Items to be blessed will be done so at the end of Mass. (Bibles, rosaries, etc.) 

Can I take pictures?

Professional pictures will be done the Friday prior to First Communion Day. Each family will also have the opportunity to take pictures after Mass on Communion day with Father. Pictures during the Mass are discouraged.

Will there be a reception?

A First Communion Reception will be held in Camerman Hall following each First Communion Mass. Cake and drinks will be served and your child’s certificate and parish gift will be available for pick up at the reception.

Can I reserve seats for family?

Every child will be assigned a pew at the practice on Friday night. This entire pew will then be reserved for the child and any family members at the First Communion Mass. The banner that the child made will be hung on the pew to designate reservation.

What if my child is baptized, but is older than 2nd Grade?

All the requirements still apply, but we will also need to verify proper program placement depending on your child’s age. Please contact Katey Bellefeuille: katey@starofthesea.net

What if my child isn't baptized and is 7+ years old?

All of the above applies to your child except they will also need to be on track with the OCIA class Rites. Please note that OCIA is a two-year process.

A Birth Certificate will be needed, and the child will need a sponsor who is a practicing Catholic. Following all required formation, the child will be received into the church at the Easter Vigil Mass and receive both Baptism and Holy Communion.

Contact Katey to get started!