All children and youth will have an opportunity to enjoy summer with their fellow parish friends and partake in fun activities either in the JP2 Youth Center, Gym, or park (weather permitting). These activities will foster faith, community, and relationships in our children and youth.
Adults are invited to gather in Camerman Hall (church basement) for formation and discussion on “The Catholic Parent” video series. Created through a collaboration between the Augustine Institute and Catholic Sprouts, each episode in this stunning video series features real Catholic parents sharing their struggles and victories. Large and small families, families with young children and older children, and single-parent families; The Catholic Parent series strives to create a resource to support every Catholic family in their unique faith journey.
Be Empowered to:
• Faithfully take your family to Sunday Mass, even in difficult seasons.
• Commit to praying as a family, even when life is hectic.
• Live sacrificially for each other out of love, even when it’s uncomfortable.
• Give generously to those in need, even when it requires a lot of trust.