The Young Ladies Institute, was formed by young mothers who wanted to help a young woman who had contracted tuberculosis in 1887. Mary Richardson, Emily Coogan and Annie Sweeney’s friend had no family, was quickly becoming bedridden, and unable to work. And so, this ‘society of Catholic young women for beneficial [aid, meals, clothing] and social [visiting, cleaning] purposes’ started in San Francisco.
News of good works being accomplished by the Young Ladies’ Institute spread to Kitsap County. Many young women saw a great need to serve the greater community of Kitsap County as World War I had come to an end. In 1919, under the guidance of Monsignor Camerman, they formed a new institute which continues today, Camerman #86. In memory of the Monsignor, every year a donation is made to Our Lady Star of the Sea School. Our Catholic YLI sisterhood nurtures our personal stories and strengthens our parish lives.
YLI Camerman financially and spiritually supports the education of seminarians, an important stage of priest formation, in our archdiocese. We ‘adopt’ a seminarian by writing letters, sending gifts, inviting him to special events and lots of prayers. We also support Prepares, St. Vincent de Paul Society [feed the hungry], Sacred Heart Radio, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Holy Trinity’s capital campaign, and other charitable activities. Our prayers range from our priests to parishes, our pioneers to our young families, our deceased to those our Lord is sending to us in the womb. We love our sisterhood.
To find out more, please contact Barbara Schutt or Cindy Large: