There are many ministries at Our Lady Star of the Sea which make it such a thriving parish for living out the call to holiness. The ministries and apostolates at Star of the Sea are a wonderful way for Catholics to get involved in work and opportunities to grow in faith at our parish. Find out more about these ministries below and how you can get involved.


Altar Society

Altar Society

The Altar Society’s special work is the care of the sanctuary. The society supplies funds for the altar bread, wine, candles, linens and flowers. They support Seminarians on their way to PriesthoodThey meet in the Parish Center the first Thursday of the month from September to June.

If you would like to help with the Altar Society, please contact Joey Wheeldon at 

American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls (AHG) is a faith-based character development for all girls 5-18 years of age. AHG is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country. With emphasis on Christian values and family involvement, girls participate in badge programs, service projects, leadership opportunities and outdoor experiences.

To join our Troop at the parish or to find out more about AHG, email or visit our page.


Banner Committee

Banner Committee

The beautiful banners hanging in the Church for the Liturgical seasons are designed and sewn by the Banner Committee. If you are a good seamstress and would like to join this creative group, contact Tricia MacIntyre at 360-362-2570

Benedict House

Benedict House

Helping homeless men rebuild their lives


If you can help in any way, please contact:
Stephen Sprague, Program Supervisor
250 S. Cambrian Ave, Bremerton, WA 98312


Confraternity of Christian Mothers

Confraternity of Christian Mothers

Under the special patronage of Mary, the Mother of Sorrows, Christian Mothers are encouraged joyously to undertake the important task of training and sanctifying the young souls entrusted to their care. Christian Mothers learn to unite their own hearts to Christ so that they can help to draw their families closer to the Lord. In that way they become the leaven which makes their own parish and community more alive with the presence of the risen Lord.

The Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers leads campaigns that promote real solutions to some of the biggest challenges faced by society. We challenge the notion that the way things are is the way things should always be, and are proud to be a force for positive transformation.



Meet up on third Saturday of the Month from 10:00 AM-Noon in Parish Center Rooms 1 & 2
Open to ALL women in the parish!

For Questions, contact Joanna Cichy or Alicia O’Quinn:


Discalced Carmelite Seculars

Discalced Carmelite Seculars

The Discalced Carmelite Seculars, together with the Friars and Nuns, are sons and daughters of the Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St. Teresa of Jesus. We are called to live our vocation in allegiance to Jesus Christ through friendship with the One we know loves us and in service to the Church. We seek to be diligent in meditating on the law of the Lord, give time to spiritual reading, participate in the Church’s Liturgy, both the Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours, and seek interior silence and solitude in our life of prayer, which is the heart of a Carmelite vocation.

Under the protection of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and inspired by St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and St. Thérèse of Lisieux, we make a commitment to the Discalced Carmelite Order to seek God for the Church and the world.

The Stella Maris OCDS Group meets at Our Lady Star of the Sea on the 3rd Sunday of the month.

For more information please email us at or contact Meg Collier in the parish office.



Funeral Reception

Funeral Reception

Ministering to those suffering the loss of a loved one represents a unique opportunity to “comfort the suffering.” The reception committee serves in a concrete, practical and loving way to make this difficult time a little easier to bear.  Volunteers are always needed to assist in this ministry.

To help with Funeral Reception, please contact JoNell Turner at


Homeschooler's Group

Homeschooler's Group

Catholic Schoolhouse

The Catholic Schoolhouse Homeschooler’s Group offers support for our homeschooling parents and occasionally meet up for events/activities.

For details and more information please contact, Crystal Ley at


Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus

Council 1379

The Knights of Columbus is an association of Catholic men faithful to the Church and dedicated to the four cardinal principals of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. The Knights Council 1379 is very active in our parish, and they sponsor a monthly Sunday parish breakfast and is very active in the Parish. The Knights of Columbus Hall is located at 2515 Burwell at Montgomery. They meet every 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month.

If you are interested in learning more, contact Robert Casey at 
Or visit the Bremerton Knights of Columbus website.



Legion of Mary

Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary is a world-wide organization of Catholic men and women who offer their services to the pastor to aid him in performing spiritual works in the Parish.  The primary purpose of Legion membership has always been the personal growth in holiness of its members, both active and auxiliary.  This is sought by placing themselves under the banner of Mary and the influence of the Holy Spirit through prayer, the sacraments and service.  The apostolic work of the Legion is to visit and provide spiritual fellowship and encouragement to those who are sick, the homebound, the fallen-away, and those who have other needs as referred by the Parish.  Regular meetings of active members are held every Monday in the Parish Center.

Find out more about the Legion of Mary. Contact Carol Hendrickson at 360-710-0456


Martha Ministry

Martha Ministry

Martha Ministry is a group of parishioners who provide homemade meals to support those experiencing a temporary difficulty, such as recovering from surgery, an illness, a sudden emergency or a death or new birth in the family.  We deliver fresh and/or frozen meals for as long as needed.

Please contact Shannon Santos at 360-791-3978 or email if you would like to join this special ministry or if you ever have needs that we could help with.

Mother's Group

Mother's Group

Mother’s Group is a mom’s support group open to ALL Mothers, whether you are expecting or have adult children. We all have something to share about our journey in motherhood and raising our families in the deep tradition of the Catholic faith. We are called to support each other in our struggles and celebrate in our joys as we care for our families. 

Mother’s Group meets Fridays, 10am-12pm in the parish center/various locations.

Please contact us for details:


Parent's Club

Parent's Club

Parent’s Club consists of the parents whose children attend Our Lady Star of the Sea School. Parent’s Club provide family activities throughout the year and help organize special fundraising events such as collecting supplies for Thanksgiving Baskets for those in need.

For more info or questions, contact the School Office at 360-373-5162.



PREPARES is a pro-life ministry that helps to care for pregnant moms and support families with small children 0-5yrs old.  We operate under two tiers:

  1. Providing mentorship as family companions for those seeking support to help navigate the emotional challenges of raising a family by offering friendship and support to new or struggling parents in need.
  2. Offering basic needs for a child from 0-5yrs, helping families who may have some financial challenges to cover the basic costs of needful items such as diapers and wipes, clothing, hygiene type products, blankets, etc.  These items we get are donated by our parishioners and are gently used or new items.

The basic needs tier is provided via Mary’s Little Tots Shop which is open every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month from 10:00am-12:00pm(noon). We are closed during holidays, snow events, and on rare occasions, we may be closed if there is a funeral.  Parishioner donations occur in the vestibule area every First week of the month.

If you are interested in volunteering or seeing how you can get involved with this ministry, please contact Christine Daniel:



Respect Life Committee

Respect Life Committee

The mission of Respect Life is to pray and educate, to increase awareness, in order to nurture a culture of life.
Activities of the Committee are:
  • Promoting participation in the…
    1. Activities at the State Capitol in Olympia mostly in January when the Legislative Assembly is in session.
    2. Kitsap County 40 Days for Life
    3. October Life Chain
  • Invites Pro-Life speakers and events
  • Organizing the Parish and Respect Life booth at the Kitsap County Fair
Monthly Meeting:  Respect Life meets the third Tuesday of each month at 10:00 AM in the Parish Center Room #1, beginning with the rosary. Everyone is welcome to our meetings.

Contact Merton Garrison at or the Parish Office to learn more.

Rosary Makers

Rosary Makers

Our Lady of Fatima made several requests which include Reconciliation, attending Mass and praying the Rosary for “Conversion of Life.” Our Rosary Makers help fulfill this request by making and supplying rosaries for those that need them. No experience is necessary and supplies are furnished. Come help make the rosaries for the missions and others that request them.

Our Lady’s Rosary Makers meet Wednesdays at 9:00 AM in Center Room 1.

To volunteer, please contact Imelda Beery at



Sacred Story Community

Sacred Story Community

The Sacred Story Community at Our Lady Star of the Sea forms missionary disciples through the Ignatian Method. Our holistic formation to participate in the New Evangelization of the Church begins through engaging the Forty Weeks spiritual program together with others in a small community under the patronage of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
You can find more information, videos, and graphics to incorporate into the website here:

Contact Gabriel L.M. Crawford;



San Lorenzo Guild

San Lorenzo Guild

The roots of the guild began in 1994 when a group of Filipino families gathered for First Saturday Reparation. A year after this gathering it evolved into a weekly prayer meeting. Simultaneously a devotion to the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy also began. As the group grew together in faith they realized that they could make additional contributions to Our Lady Star of the Sea parish beyond their prayers and devotions.

In 1998, the guild was formally incorporated to the parish with Our Lady as primary patroness and San Lorenzo as the second patron. The guild’s vision is to plant the seeds of devotion to San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila throughout the world. Its mission is to build a legacy of faith and service to the parish, the Archdiocese and the universal church; to assist our pastor in fulfilling his vision and mission for the parish; and to share the rich Filipino cultural and spiritual heritage with the whole community of faith.

San Lorenzo Guild meets on the second Saturday of the month at 10:00 AM in Parish Center Room 2.

For information, contact Pablo Lozano at (360-710-0912)


Secular Franciscans

Secular Franciscans

The Franciscans are a community of men and women who seek to pattern their lives after Christ in the spirit of St. Francis. They meet the second Sunday of each month in the Parish Center.  


For more information, please contact:

  • Victoria Crescenzi (Vice Minister):  360.621.5919
  • Tina Lujan (Secretary): 360.471.6672


Senior Social Group

Senior Social Group

Fun, Faith, and Food with friends no longer working. Watch the bulletin and website for upcoming socials and events!

For details, please contact Kathy Warcup or Diane Mahoney at, 692-8419


She Shall be Called Woman

She Shall be Called Woman

She Shall Be Called Woman (SHE) is a program that engages the deepest longings of the feminine heart. It’s a place for women who want to be truly known and loved on their journey with the Lord. Each session will consist of fellowship with light refreshments, a video presentation, and small group discussion.  

Meets every Thursday at 7:00pm in the JP2 Youth Center.


Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry has been an active ministry in our parish since 1991. We are fellow parishioners with gifts for listening and care giving who have been selected to serve our members who have experienced a loss in their lives from illness, death or other causes.  We have received fifty hours of training in skills such as active listening, dealing with feelings and respect for others.  All our contacts are confidential.

Follow this link to watch these videos of individuals sharing what it meant for them to receive care from a Stephen Minister.


For more information, please contact:
Pat Weygandt at 503-706-7432 or Kathy at the Parish Office 


Sunday Gospel Reflection

Sunday Gospel Reflection

Utilizing the book “The Better Part” by Fr. John Bartunek, we read the Gospel for the upcoming Sunday. Father Bartunek provides four reflections written in different voices (Christ the Lord, Christ the Teacher, Christ the Friend, and Christ in My Life) and group reflection questions that we share within the group. Open to anyone ages 16 and older. 

For more info contact Erik Garvey at or 360-908-4564.

Meets every Thursday from 6:00 – 7:30 PM in the Upper JP2 Youth Center.


Sunday Hospitality

Sunday Hospitality

Complimentary breakfast with coffee after the 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Masses on Sundays. Each Sunday’s hospitality is hosted by one of our various ministries.

 If you would like to volunteer your ministry or for more information, contact Mark Powell at



That Man is You!

That Man is You!

That Man is You! is an interactive, multimedia men’s program focused upon the development of authentic male leadership. Meetings include a meal, a world class DVD presentation, and discussions for men seeking guidance, explanation, and, harmony in living life the way our Creator intended.

  • Our Lady Star of the Sea Church: Men meet in Camerman Hall bright and early at 6:00am every Thursday – Eggs and Bacon Breakfast
  • Holy Trinity Church: Men meet in the Social Hall in the evening at 6:00pm every Thursday – Light Dinner

For questions, please contact:

Rene LaMarche: 
Walt Bogaardt: 
Or visit the official TMIY site.


Trail Life USA

Trail Life USA

Trail Life USA is a Christian adventure, character and leadership program for young men. The K-12 program centers on outdoor experiences that build a young man’s skills and allow him to grow on a personal level as a role model and leader for his peers.

Trail Life meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month in Center Rooms 1 & 2 and has one weekend activity per month.

To Learn more, visit our page here or visit the official website.

For questions, contact Jason Hartsell: 360.874.7440 or Mike Cichy: 782-4081



Vianney Cenacle

Vianney Cenacle

Monthly prayer gathering in support of priests and vocations. First Thursday of every month from 7:00 – 8:00pm in the Church. Come pray for our priests and for vocations to the religious life!


Contact: Helen Smith at or 434-4311



Welcome Ministry

Welcome Ministry

The Welcome Ministry wants you to feel welcome at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church from the moment you arrive in the parish. Greeters working in pairs arrive approximately ten minutes prior to Mass and station themselves on either side of the vestibule to greet and welcome worshippers coming to Mass.

Contact Kristine Cowan at if you would like to get involved.


Widow & Widowers Grief Support

Widow & Widowers Grief Support

Have you lost a loved one? You are not alone. Widow and Widowers minister to each other through prayer, sharing and listening. Meetings are held monthly in the parish center. 

Call the Parish Office for information.



Young Adults

Young Adults

Our parish young adults group is for all married or single adults in the age group of 18-35.  We offer a program of social events and spiritual growth opportunities.  


See our Young Adults Page!



Young Ladies Institute

Young Ladies Institute

The Young Ladies Institute, was formed by young mothers who wanted to help a young woman who had contracted tuberculosis in 1887.  Mary Richardson, Emily Coogan and Annie Sweeney’s friend had no family, was quickly becoming bedridden, and unable to work.   And so, this ‘society of Catholic young women for beneficial [aid, meals, clothing] and social [visiting, cleaning] purposes’ started in San Francisco.

News of good works being accomplished by the Young Ladies’ Institute spread to Kitsap County. Many young women saw a great need to serve the greater community of Kitsap County as World War I had come to an end. In 1919, under the guidance of Monsignor Camerman, they formed a new institute which continues today, Camerman #86.  In memory of the Monsignor, every year a donation is made to Our Lady Star of the Sea School. Our Catholic YLI sisterhood nurtures our personal stories and strengthens our parish lives.


YLI Camerman financially and spiritually supports the education of seminarians, an important stage of priest formation, in our archdiocese.  We ‘adopt’ a seminarian by writing letters, sending gifts, inviting him to special events and lots of prayers. We also support Prepares, St. Vincent de Paul Society [feed the hungry], Sacred Heart Radio, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Holy Trinity’s capital campaign, and other charitable activities. Our prayers range from our priests to parishes, our pioneers to our young families, our deceased to those our Lord is sending to us in the womb. We love our sisterhood.


To find out more, please contact Barbara Schutt or
Cindy Large:

Other Ministries:


Contact via
Adult Confirmation Simon Falk
Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Extraordinary Ministers Kathy Warcup
Extraordinary Ministers for the Homebound Kathy Warcup
Faith Works Katey Bellefeuille
Fidelis Jenny Hill or Ella Williams, missionary intern

Fraternus John Boyle
Discipleship Groups Jenny Hill
Mary’s Place Deacon Hamlin
OCIA Simon Falk
Youth Confirmation Kahea Hunter, missionary intern
Ushers Ginny G.
Wednesday Adult Faith Formation Fr. Lappe


Apostolates and Other Outreach Opportunities

Benedict House

Helping homeless men and homeless men with children rebuild their lives.

Contact: Deacon Bill Hamlin at or 479-3777

Catholic Community Services

Human service outreach arms of the Archdiocese

Contact: Deacon Bill Hamlin at or 479-3777


Cursillo is a movement of the Catholic Church which involves friends helping, inspiring and encouraging each other in living and growing in the Catholic faith. The usual way of getting started in Cursillo is to attend a Cursillo week-end.  It is a joyous workshop in our Catholic faith where everyone experiences three essential encounters: an encounter with oneself, an encounter with Jesus Christ, and an encounter with others. For more information about our Archdiocesan Cursillo Movement, visit our website at or

Contact: Jerry Hyde at 360-377-9335.


Whether you experience same-sex attractions and are committed to following the Catholic Church’s teaching on chastity, or you have a family member or loved one who identifies as LGBTQ, you are not alone. Join our global Courage and EnCourage family and discover a Vatican-approved Apostolate providing support and confidentiality.

Contact: for Meeting information

Friends of Stella Maris

Friends of Stella Maris offers support for the Stella Maris House, helping homeless women and homeless women with children rebuild their lives.

Contact: Patricia Weygandt at or 503-706-7432

Militia Immaculata

The Militia of the Immaculata (MI) is a worldwide evangelization movement founded by St. Maximilian Kolbe in 1917 that encourages total consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary as a means of spiritual renewal for individuals and society. The MI movement is open to all Catholics over 7 years old. It employs prayer as the main tool in the spiritual battle with evil.

Contact: Julie Elkington at or 479-7636

Natural Family Planning

Natural Family Planning (NFP) is a term for various methods of fertility awareness used by couples to achieve or postpone pregnancies. NFP is highly effective (99% effective rate) when properly learned and practiced. NFP can help build better marriages by enhancing communication and respect between spouses and by keeping God at the center of married love. NFP is accepted by all major religions including the Catholic Church as a means of spacing babies or limiting family size when a married couple has a sufficiently serious reason to do so. It is simple and available here at Our Lady Star of the Sea.

Contact: Lucy Clemen at or 271-3611

Project Rachel

Compassion and care for those touched by abortion. Many people whose lives are touched by abortion experience feelings of fear, anxiety, guilt, panic and pressure. The Catholic Church understands and cares.  Project Rachel reaches out to all in compassion and concern.

Call 1-800-822-4673.  All calls are confidential.

Street Outreach

Our ministry is two-fold, incorporating both St. Paul Street Evangelization down by the Harbor, followed by ministering to those experiencing homelessness in downtown Bremerton through care packages, a meal, conversations, and prayer. 

We are currently on break! Outings will take place once more in about a month or two.  We typically meet in the parish office parking lot to pack up and pray, then carpool downtown.

Contact:  Kristy Pitts, SPSE Lead: 253-722-9375

St. Vincent de Paul Sociey

Offers tangible assistance to those in need on a person-to-person basis.

Contact: Craig Weygandt at or 503-360-4343