Culture of Life Poster & Essay Contest

Mar 11, 2024 | Church, News and Events, Youth Ministry

Culture of Life Poster & Essay Contest

Mar 11, 2024 | Church, News and Events, Youth Ministry

Knights of Columbus Poster & Essay Contest


“What can be done to protect the unborn and help Mothers & Fathers reach out to become fabulous parents?”

As the student creates their poster or writes their essay, they should demonstrate how much they appreciate the importance of all the aspects of human life. They should be creative and try to develop their own ideas relative to the theme.


Essay Contest Rules

  1. Open to All Students in the 7th & 8th Grade
  2. Legibly hand printed entries must be on college ruled paper – two sheets max
  3. Typwritten entries must have at least one-inch margins all around
    1. Smallest font size is 10pt.
    2. No fancy fonts.
    3. Single or double spaced
    4. One page only
  4. Essays MUST be clearly identified with these five items on a separate sheet of paper, stapled to the back of the essay. Name MUST NOT appear anywhere on the Essay sheet.

Poster & Essay Entry Sheet Includes:

  1. Student Name
  2. Phone Number
  3. Grade Level
  4. School – Note if Homeschooled
  5. Council #1379; Grand Knight – Robert Morash

    Poster Contest Rules

    1. Open to All Students in Grades 1-6
    2. Min. Poster Size is 11″x 14″
    3. Max. Poster Size is 20″x 24″
    4. Acceptable media includes: crayons, colored pencils, ink, collage, and paint.
    5. Media NOT Acceptable: Charcoal, chalk, glitter, pastels, and black pencils. 
    6. Posters MUST be clearly identified with the five items stated below on the BACK of the poster. Name MUST NOT appear on the front of the poster.

    You can download a PDF copy of the Contest Rules here:

    Entries Due Friday, April 5, 2024

    All entries can be turned in at the Parish Office. Star Students may hand their entries in at the school. Posters and Essays will be judged at the Knight’s Parish Breakfast on Sunday, April 14.

    Prizes at State Competition

    First place in each division will receive $100; Second place, $50; and Third place, $25

    Poster Contest

    Division 1 – Grades 1 & 2 Combined

    Division 2 – Grades 3 & 4 Combined

    Division 3 – Grades 5 & 6 Combined

    Essay Contest

    Division 1 – Grades 7 & 8 Combined

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